We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Toptrans for the transport of goods. We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Topptrans to transport goods to Slovakia. In case of questions, call +420 722 712 652 or write to e-mail: info@createflow.cz. The recycling fee is included in the product price. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for the delivered products.

Hlava pro hadicové čerpadlo


Hlava peristaltického čerpadla DG6 Create Flow
(€369 incl. VAT)
hadicové čerpadlo BZ25 1 Create Flow
Head SN25 flow 0,25-1500 ml/min 3 rolny
Dodací termín 2 až 3 pracovní týdny
Code: OEM-SN25
(€423 incl. VAT)
2 items total




2 items to display
Hlava peristaltického čerpadla DG6 Create Flow
€369 incl. VAT
€305 / pcs

DG series pump heads are designed for low flow and multichannel fluid transfer, easy to install and change tubing. The self-adjusting spring automatically adjusts the crimping...

Code: DG6-1
hadicové čerpadlo BZ25 1 Create Flow
Head SN25 flow 0,25-1500 ml/min 3 rolny
Dodací termín 2 až 3 pracovní týdny
€423 incl. VAT
€350 / pcs

Max. pump head output is up to 1700 ml/min. Mat. transparent PC plastic case. This is useful for monitoring the working situation of the pump head. The rollers are made of 304...

Code: OEM-SN25