We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Toptrans for the transport of goods. We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Topptrans to transport goods to Slovakia. In case of questions, call +420 722 712 652 or write to e-mail: info@createflow.cz. The recycling fee is included in the product price. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for the delivered products.

Odstředivé čerpadla IWAKI

Extremely reliable, compact mag. the IWAKI MD series centrifugal pump drive can be used in many applications. There are three main types of pumps between 5 and 135 l/min.

Contamination of the surrounding space with the pumped liquid is prevented thanks to the seal-free construction. Corrosion, which may depend on the pump design, is also not manifested. Therefore, this series is most suitable for installation in machines. The already standard type (polypropylene) offers the best chemical resistance due to the choice of materials used.

Special models are available for high delivery heights (MD-Z) or higher flow rates (MD-X). Economical laying is so possible that the pump performance is the same as the next larger standard type. From pump size MD15, hose or threaded connections are available.


odstredive cerpadlo IWAKI md100 Create Flow
€1 064
(€1 288 incl. VAT)
odstredive cerpadlo IWAKI md55 Create Flow
(€1 023 incl. VAT)
iwaki chemicke cerpadlo Create Flow
(€588 incl. VAT)
13 items total




13 items to display
IWAKI MD6 Create Flow
€263 incl. VAT
€218 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-6-230GS01
IWAKI MD6 Create Flow
€280 incl. VAT
€232 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-10-230GS01
cerpadlo IWAKI MD15 20 Create Flow
€431 incl. VAT
€356 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-15R-230GS
iwaki chemicke cerpadlo Create Flow
€588 incl. VAT
€486 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-20RM-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI MD15 20 Create Flow
€620 incl. VAT
€512 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-20RZ-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI Create Flow
€731 incl. VAT
€604 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-30R-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI Create Flow
€731 incl. VAT
€604 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI series MD-30RM-220N Max. output 32 l/min, discharge 3.8 m, electric motor 60 W 230 V 50 Hz, connection 3/4" BSP male thread with magnetic coupling in...

Code: MD-30RM-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI Create Flow
€916 incl. VAT
€757 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-30RZ-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI MD15 20 Create Flow
€916 incl. VAT
€757 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-40R-220N
cerpadlo IWAKI MD15 20 Create Flow
€979 incl. VAT
€809 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-40RZ-220N
odstredive cerpadlo IWAKI md55 Create Flow
€1 023 incl. VAT
€846 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-55RM 220/240V
odstredive cerpadlo IWAKI md70 Create Flow
€1 288 incl. VAT
€1 064 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-70R 220/240V
odstredive cerpadlo IWAKI md100 Create Flow
€1 288 incl. VAT
€1 064 / pcs

Centrifugal pump IWAKI MD series with magnetic coupling in plastic design for pumping chemical liquids. Magnetic coupling guarantees drip-free operation. The pump cannot be...

Code: MD-70RZ 220/240V




