We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Toptrans for the transport of goods. We use Zásilkovna, DPD, Topptrans to transport goods to Slovakia. In case of questions, call +420 722 712 652 or write to e-mail: info@createflow.cz. The recycling fee is included in the product price. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for the delivered products.

Jak nakupovat

1) In the details or in the product box, click the "Buy" button

2) The product is automatically moved to the cart.

3) Choose the delivery method and payment method here.

4) In the next step, fill in the billing and delivery address for delivery of the shipment.

5) Complete the order.

6) You will receive a confirmation of your order to your email address.

6) Na Vaši mailovou adresu obdržíte potvrzení Vaší objednávky.